
Staycation Bliss in the Philippines

A staycation is a holiday vacation where you don’t actually leave home. There are many reasons why you might want to have a staycation instead of a vacation. Small children, a lack of funds, and environmental concerns are all popular reasons for enjoying the simplicity of a staycation

Organize Anything has come up with some great ideas and tips for planning the perfect staycation.

1)   Set a date and time. If you don’t book off your specific time for your staycation and put it on the calendar, you run the risk of just treating it like an extra long weekend. Get excited about your time off just like you’re going on an around the world adventure!

2)   Tell your friends, family and work that you’re unavailable. You wouldn’t invite all of your friends along on your vacation, so why treat your staycation any differently? Let your friends know that you’re unavailable, take in the welcome mat and enjoy taking a break from your responsibilities and commitments. If you are really brave you can even disconnect from TV, phone, internet and social media. Enjoy some “non-stimulation” time and recharge naturally.

3)   Make a plan. Just like a regular vacation, you should plan your staycation. Pretend you’ve never been to your home city before and explore it through the eyes of a tourist. Visit the local museums, plan a night out on the town, see a show, find a new favourite pub or restaurant – your options are limitless! Ask yourself what is it that the tourists do?

4)   Chronicle your staycation. Take pictures just like you would on a regular vacation. You’ll get a kick out re-living your grand stay-at-home adventure in years to come. Get pictures with your pizza delivery guy, on your downtown adventure, standing in front of local tourist attractions – anything that you can tell a story about later.

5)   Upgrade. Use the money you would have spent on a pricey vacation and spend it on something new for the house- indoors or out. It might be the big screen TV, new furniture or a deck. Now is the time to really get to enjoy that new purchase.

6)   Relax. The point of most vacations is to actually relax and rejuvenate. Your staycation is no different. Have an at-home spa day, read the book you’ve had on your nightstand for months or catch up on your favourite television shows you’ve been saving. Never underestimate the healing powers of doing absolutely nothing!

7)   Reduce your carbon footprint.  Not only does your let you save some money, it saves the environment! By choosing to stay home, you’re saving car and airplane fuel. You’re also reducing the amount of energy, water and resources that would be used to support your family at an all-inclusive resort.

So next time you’re thinking about taking a vacation, consider a staycation instead. You eliminate the travel stress and time, you cut the budget considerably and you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home.